Thursday, October 23, 2008


I am getting very very frustrated with this bullshit that the Right shits out. They've been painting the Democratic Candidate as Unamerican, or Anti-American. And in doing so, they've painted me, and everyone else that has the same views, as Anti-American. and that really pisses me off.

It all started with Jeremiah Wright, Barack Obama's Former pastor. "listen to this guy, he just said 'God Damn America' that's Anti-American!" Now Pastor Wright is more radical then most, but when you watch the clip of his sermon in question, he was saying with all the innocent killings and the racial injustice, and will all the things that are morally wrong in America, why should God bless us?
but no.. the whole Clip is never played, just the 'God Damn America' part where it kinda sounds like Pastor Wright is calling on God to curse us.

check it out

this Clip speaks for itself. "God Damn America, for treating her citizens as less then human, God Damn America, as long as she acts like she is god and she is supreme."

The new thing for the McCain Campaign is tying up Obama with William Ayres. a "domestic terrorist." who has apparently had bombing targets like the pentagon. I will admit, I don't know much about William Ayres, and i am not going to do any research if i can help it. But here's what i think: I am sure if you were to ask Ayres for his reasons for bombing any government building, It would probably be because he didn't like the way things where being handled. Grant it, bombing to make my point wouldn't have been my first choice. It would have been a very radical and, of course criminal way of protesting. But remember, "one man's patriot is another man's terrorist."
Killing innocent people to make a point is inexcusable, and when that kind of things happens, it is a terrible tragedy. (just to clarify that i am not condoning bombing establishments)
Do you really think that Barack Obama was interested in this fella because he wanted to bomb things? I highly doubt it. The way i understand it, when Ayres was in his "Bombing phase" Obama was eight years old. And since then, Ayres has changed his ways and become more of an activist, and less of a terrorist. He's a professor right? so he's gotta be some kinda smart. (once again, although I am using the greatest source of information in the world, I still don't want to do any research.)

now because of all that you now have people like this:

i have to applaud McCain for sticking up for Obama like he did. that's the McCain I remember. But that's not the point, the point is these people! Ever since 9-11, anything that is middle eastern has become synonymous with terrorist to these people. First of all, what does being Arabian have to do with anything? And why can't an Arab be a decent family man? Second of all, Barack Obama is a Christan, (see clip one) but what does that have to do with anything? what if he was a Muslim? does his religion really matter? Shouldn't we be looking at his policies and his responses to the issues?

then this lady set me over the top:
(long clip sorry..)

she said it, Barack Obama is Anti-American and so are the Liberals in Congress. Michelle Bachman later retracted her comments saying "i made a mistake." You didn't make a mistake Congresswoman, you knew exactly what you were talking about, You think Liberals don't love this country as much as you do.

Last clip I promise

its becoming a running joke. "is that a serious question?" the Right is trying to scare voters using terms like 'Marxist' and 'Socialism.' Parts of our society are already Socialist: SOCIAL security, schools, police, the postal service. Are all those things bad things?

"If you want to change something about America, the Republicans say "well you hate America" no no no we love America and that's why we believe it could be better"
~Cenk Uygur

I better wear my flag lapel pin. I don't want to be called Anti-American.

1 comment:

haircuttinchica said...

Babe, that was such a good blog! You not only wrote it well but the video clips definitely gave the reader a visual to what you were trying to get across! By the time i finished watching the clip with Bauchman, i wanted to scream..and then after the clip with Biden telling the anchorwoman that her questions were silly, i wanted to laugh out loud! Very well written babe!