Monday, October 20, 2008

McCain would be Better

I hate to say it. I mean, I really do. But if i was given the only choice of McCain and Bush, I would have to go for McCain. John McCain would run this country better then 'good ol' W.'

Lets be realistic though, it wouldn't be much better. at all.

the good thing about a hypothetical race between two GOP tickets is that it wouldn't exist, and Bush couldn't run again ever. (let me let that sink in for a second, Bush cannot run for president ever again! 72 more days, and we can wash our hands of that SOB.) While a McCain administration might be a step up from the current, An Obama Presidency would be 16 flights of stairs up.

the thing that scares me the most about McCain, is not McCain himself, but his terrible choice of a running mate, Sarah Palin. that is not a step up... not at all. it is a trip and fall off the roof for this country. Why would anyone who thinks Bush is failing at this government thing, Vote for another complete dumb ass again!? Oh but they are out there, you know they are.

there is a sect group of women (and men) called PUMA. (party unity my ass) I haven heard about PUMA since the DNC when Hilary Clinton made it clear that she was supporting Barack Obama. But this group hates Obama with a passion because Hilary did not get the nomination. Now, they won't say that is the reason, they'll say "he's a Muslim.." or some other bullshit. So now they are voting for McCain. (they were voting for McCain before his historical mistake of a VP choice)

But here's what gets me: you know there are women and others like the PUMA people, who where Hilary supporters who are now voting for McCain. These people CANNOT say they care about the issues or policies, they were only voting for Clinton because she is a women!

During the Obama Clinton battle, I was an Obama Supporter. Given the choice between the two of them, I would have picked Barack Obama. Nothing against Hillary, they were both superb candidates.
If the Primaries had gone a little differently, and Clinton was the Nominee, I would have no trouble at all giving her my support. Anyone of the Democratic candidates would have been better then that riff-raff over there.
So it amazes me, when a die hard Clinton supporter switches their vote to the other ticket because Hillary isn't the nominee.

I have been writing this over a couple days, and i think i lost my main point. Kinda just turned into some rambles. maybe i will pick it up another time.
This is also kind of an old issue.

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