Friday, July 24, 2009

welcome back

at the risk of this Blog thing becoming a passing phase, I am making a new post.

My last post was in November... and when I periodically check this page for no reason, the first thing i see is that damned Twilight poster. So today I will change that.

A lot as happened since Twilight came out. I guess the big event was that Obama was elected. In November you would have seen me very excited and optimistic about this. But Its July, and there hasn't been that much change. I guess i shouldn't expect all the country's problems to go away in the first 100 days (or whatever) But.. i don't see any effort. I don't know.. maybe i should wait to see what happens with Health care before i pass judgment.

I originally was going to review other movies and media with this Blog.. but so far the only movie i had seen fit to review was Twilight. Maybe it was because it made me so mad cuz it was so bad.
I guess this leads me to my biggest pet peeve with big Blockbuster movies "now-a-days" Its not the rising cost of ticket prices, or the 10 dollar cokes and small popcorn. Its that movies are made to make money. I mean obviously movies make money, But when it becomes your soul purpose for producing a film.. that's when you run into problems with me.

Take the terrible Trilogy of Pirates of Caribbean. Remember how good the first movie was? It was one of my favorite movies. And a whole lot of people felt this way. Johnny Depp recognition took off. Every producer wanted him in their film; he was wildly popular. Of course the producers of Pirates of the Caribbean caught on to how awesome their movie was, So why not make more money off the franchise? and why not? really.. people wanted to see more.. so why deny them?
so here is what you do: Make a good effort to produce a decent film with compelling new characters.. and then.. Kill the fan favorite at the end... and put a dramatic cliff-hanger where you bring back the villain from the first movie to save him. This way. you have to pay for another 9 dollar movie ticket in a couple months if you want to know what happens. And your last movie doesn't have to be good at all.. cuz who cares, you guaranteed a second movie ticket out of someone with that crappy cliff-hanger. (i was one of those people.)
the Matrix did the exact same thing. Great first movie, Decent second try with a cliff-hanger, terrible third film. But people will put up the money to see their loved characters again.

Unfortunately, the Harry Potter films are falling victim to the same greed. About a year ago, it was announced that the 7th Harry Potter movie: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, would be made into two parts. the reason given was there was so much content, they didn't want to cut anything out. but the real reason is "this is our biggest Cash Cow and we are going to milk it for everything its got." Instead of having people pay 9 bucks to see the last film.. lets have them pay 18!

here is the problem with their reasoning: the Seventh Book is not as Complex as other books in the series.. so if you really didn't want to cut anything out.. why not do that for the forth book which is 3 times as complex as the seventh?

oh well. I'll still pay to see them.

But i am not going to stop bitching about it.

1 comment:

*Maybe* Baby ♥ Mama said...

Our journey has begun!… secretly though

If I’ve left you this message, you’re a follower of my original blog ~OR~ just someone I’ve happened upon while sending out these invites and that I would LOVE for to come along for the ride! Though I won’t be revealing who I am just yet – until we’re TO and THROUGH the first trimester! Just getting the word out about our new site – further explanation of all the secrecy and what we’re about on my first post. I’d love for you to stop by.

Exciting things going on around here!

~ the {secret} *Maybe* Baby Mama